Swords Business Campus
Swords Business Campus
Balheary Road, Co. Dublin
KRA Visionary Project Partners acted as project managers for the sustainability upgrades at Swords Business Campus, located in north Co. Dublin. As part of our ongoing work with campus management, KRA developed a 10-year sustainability plan which sets out the campus' pathway to sustainability. The plan identifies key sustainability measures and sets out a clear timeframe for their implementation. As a first step, Swords Business Campus has already implemented sustainability upgrades to reduce the campus' carbon footprint and taken steps to improve on-site biodiversity.
In addition to the development of the sustainability plan, KRA conducted a feasibility study to investigate the potential for installing a rooftop-mounted Solar PV system at Swords Business Campus, in conjunction with other sustainability upgrades. In addition, KRA recently managed a campus-wide LED lighting upgrade, replacing all existing external lighting with energy-efficient LEDs to reduce energy usage and installing four EV charging stations.
As part of the sustainability plan's focus on biodiversity, KRA Visionary Project Partners managed the installation of beehives, insect habitats and swift nesting boxes on site, and the restoration and maintenance of the pond and wetlands on the premises.

Preliminary inspection, meeting with client, brief agreement
Initial appraisal, measured survey, inspection of property
Heritage Impact Assessments / conservation reports
Outline sketch proposals and budget costs
Scheme design
Statutory / grant applications
Preparing sub-contract specifications, inviting tenders for sub-contract work
Preparing specifications
Preparing tender documents, tendering, tender report
Appointing contractor and start on site
On site contract administration to practical completion