Sandford Park School
Sandford Park School
Ranelagh, Co. Dublin
Retrofitting, Refurbishments
KRA Visionary Project Partner’s carried out refurbishment works at the Sandford Park School with upgrades to the property’s lab rooms and art room with the units upgraded to maximise storage and useable space whilst maintaining the required number of desks. All the works undertaken were carried out with circularity and sustainability in mind
Looking at the buildings’ sustainability, the external doors of the building were part of the external envelope and the upgrade to the energy efficiency of the building that included wall insulation and improvement of the U Value as well replacement of existing lighting with LED Fittings,
The scope of the project consisted of replacement/installation of a new suspended ceiling; new floor finishes; general redecoration; installation of new laboratory equipment, furniture, and storage units; replacement of electrical services to include replacement of existing lighting with LED fittings, replacement of AOV and upgrade of electrical sockets.